Modern Foreign Language learning at Shuttleworth College is all about thinking big and chasing dreams!

It is more than a curriculum subject; it is way of discovering the world in all of its diversity.  Learning a foreign language opens doors to other countries and cultures. It fosters students’ curiosity and deepens their understanding of the world. It also provides opportunities for students to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking, and read great literature in its original language.

Students at Shuttleworth College are encouraged to think like a linguist. Once acquired, communication, critical thinking and problem-solving skills allow them to learn any other language in the future. These skills could help them get a dream job for BMW, Versace, IKEA, Samsung or similar; where they may be expected to study German, Italian, Swedish, Korean… As a language learner, they will already understand the need to practise speaking, listening, reading and writing so they can communicate effectively.

From September 2024 we are moving to a one language model. This means the new intake of Y7s will all learn French, with the following intake in September 2025 learning Spanish.

Click here for 5 year curriculum plan

Year 8
Knowledge Organisers
Topic 1 – Yo y los otros

Year 9
Knowledge Organisers
Topic 1 – Yo y mi mundo

Year 10
Knowledge Organisers
Term 1 – mi familia, mis amigos y yo
Term 2 – mi tiempo libre

Click here for 5 year curriculum plan

Year 7
Knowledge Organisers
Topic 1 Knowledge Organiser – Je me presente
Topic 2 Knowledge Organiser – Les Couleurs du Monde

Year 8
Knowledge Organisers
Topic 1 Knowledge Organiser – Moi et mon avenir

Year 9
Knowledge Organisers
Topic 1 Knowledge Organiser – Moi et le monde autour de moi

Knowledge Organisers
Year 11 Term 1 – Global & Social Issues
Year 11 Term 2 – Relationships


The current Y11 are following the legacy scheme for Spanish. The overview for this curriculum can be found here.

Ms M. Vasey

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”

Nelson Mandela

“Spanish is my favourite subject because the class environment is interesting and encouraging. I want to continue with Spanish at A-Level and University because it will help me fulfill my ambition to become a translator.”

Year 10 Student