
GCSE Business equips students with the skills and confidence to explore how different business situations affect decision-making. The course develops understanding of key business concepts, objectives and terminology, and the impact of contemporary issues on business operations.

Students will be introduced to business concepts and issues concerning the activities of a business. They explore the purpose and role of a business from spotting an opportunity through to the growth of an established business. They also look at the role of marketing and human resources.

In year 11, students take a closer look at the role of operations and finance in business activity. Operations include production processes, quality of goods and services, customer service, and working with suppliers. Finance covers its role, its sources, costs, profit and loss, cash and cash flow. They also explore how business responds to external influences, such as ethical and environmental considerations, the economic climate and globalisation, and the interdependent nature of business.

Click here for 2 year curriculum map

Learning Journey
2 Year Learning Journey

Knowledge Organisers

Student resources:

What are the career opportunities with this subject?
After completing Business, students will be ideally placed to continue in this sector, working towards further business qualifications or apprenticeships.

Mrs C Price

“If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.”

Steve Jobs