The aim of the RE curriculum at Shuttleworth College is to enable pupils to have informed and mature conversations about religion. Religious Education students acquire knowledge and skills that help them develop as informed,
engaged and thoughtful global citizens.
The RE curriculum has been created using the Lancashire Agreed Syllabus, meaning we are covering all relevant materials necessary. The requirements for RE according to the Lancashire Agreed Syllabus are that at least 3 major world religions must be taught as well as a Humanist approach to life also. Therefore, pupils will be taught about Christianity, Islam, Hinduism as the major world religions.
If students choose to take GCSE RE as one of their options, then they will follow the AQA GCSE RE Specification A course. This will consist of two exam papers, Paper One – Study of Religions which will cover Christianity and Islam, their beliefs and teachings and their practices and Paper Two – Thematic Studies which will look at Relationships and Families, Religion and Life, Religion, Crime and Punishment and Religion, Human Rights and Social Justice. Each exam paper lasts 1 hour 45 minutes.
Year 7 Knowledge organisers
Term 1
Term 2
Year 8 Knowledge organisers
Term 1
Term 2
Year 9 Knowledge organisers
Term 1
Term 2
Year 10 Knowledge Organisers
10.1 – P1 – Christianity B+T Knowledge Organiser
10.2 – P1 – Islamic B+T Knowledge Organiser
10.3 – P2 – Theme A Knowledge Organiser
10.4 – P2 – Theme E Knowledge Organiser
Year 11
11.1 – P1 – Christianity Practices Knowledge Organiser
11.2 – P1 – Islamic Practices Knowledge Organiser
11.3 – P2 – Theme B Knowledge Organiser
11.4 – P2 – Theme D Knowledge Organiser
Mr R. Hinchliffe