Mr. Kevin Hall – Chair of Governors, and Governor for Leadership & Management
I joined the College Governing Board in October 2015 as a Foundation Governor. During the last five years I have spent a considerable amount of time developing my knowledge and understanding of the College and wider context in which it operates.
Since joining the Governing Board I have held several roles, including Vice Chair of the Governing Body and Chair of the Finance & Resources Committee. At the start of the 2020-21 academic year, I accepted the role of Chair of Governors which sees me working more closely with the College’s Senior Leadership Team and government bodies. Through these roles I am able to offer guidance and support across strategic planning, human resources, finance and cost management, and information technology. In addition, I work closely with the College’s senior and middle leadership teams to prepare for OFSTED inspections, monitor the College’s development plan for ‘leadership’, and spend time in college meeting staff, students, and parents.
Outside of Shuttleworth I work as a senior leader for an international law firm and sit on the board of a national trade union organisation. Both of these roles provide me with skills and experience in strategic leaderships, people and culture, and governance.
Mr. Paul Billington - Vice Chair of Governors
Mr. Simon Davies – Governor for Outcomes for Students; Curriculum & Standards; and Finance Personnel & Human Resources
I have been a Governor at Shuttleworth College since 2011, initially as a Foundation Governor and now as a co-opted Governor.
I was motivated to join the Governing Body because I live locally and Shuttleworth was the school that I wanted my children to attend. I wanted to do what I could to help enhance the experience for them and all the children at our school.
Outside of Shuttleworth, I work at Burnley College in a management role and have found the experience of working at a college rated by OFSTED as consistently outstanding hugely influential in my role as Governor.
At Shuttleworth I am fortunate to work with a team of supportive, knowledgeable and passionate governors, who all give up a huge amount of their own time to make a difference. A significant element of the governor’s role involves attending school whenever possible during the school day to observe what is going on inside the building. These visits are key to Governors getting a feel for how well the school is working as well as helping inform the future strategic direction of the school.
Without doubt the most important task that I have undertaken so far as a Governor was to help select Mrs England as our new Head Teacher in the summer of 2015. This was, in my mind, a seminal moment in moving Shuttleworth forward to where it needs to be. Under Mrs England, Shuttleworth continues its drive towards attaining at the very least a ‘good’ judgment from OFSTED and my objective is to give Mrs England and her team the support needed to help them to achieve the priorities that have been agreed by the Governing Board. Above all what we want is that each student enjoys their experience at Shuttleworth and gets a well-rounded education that prepares them for further study and future success.
The school motto says it all – Think Big, Chase Dreams and Succeed Together – and we will!
Ms. Penny Heys
I am one of East Lancashire’s Enterprise Coordinators, my role involves linking secondary schools and colleges with employers to support the pupils career aspirations through increasing employer activity and connections in schools. I have previously worked in Further Education for 15 years and am passionate about all pupils having the support, information and opportunity for professional conversations and advice to inform their future choices and continued study.
I’m delighted to be on the Governing board for Shuttleworth college and hope to add value, I am a representative on the Curriculum and Standards sub group working with the College to ensure the delivery of good quality education, clarity of vision and school ethos.
Ms. Marie Shaw – C&S and Governor for SEND; Safeguarding; & Personal Development, Behaviour, & Welfare
I am the SEND and Safeguarding Governor for Shuttleworth College and a member of the Curriculum & Standards Committee
My role is to support the teaching staff to improve the education for all children who attend the college; to ensure the school caters for all children including those with special educational needs; and to protect the health, safety and welfare of all children while in the college.
I also support the college to ensure that behaviour continues to improve so that every child is able to reach their full potential.
Ms. Maggie Lishman – Governor for Health & Safety, F&R
Having lived in Burnley for well over thirty years I play many roles in the community, including being one of the councillors for Briercliffe Ward in Burnley, Chair of the Dementia Action Alliance in Burnley, and a trustee of the Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Council for Voluntary Services. Before this I trained and worked as a podiatrist, moving into senior management in the NHS after I obtained a Masters in Business.
I wanted to serve as a Shuttleworth School Governor to help support a good school, its staff, and students. A good education is essential for everyone to give them the best chance of a secure future. I want to do what I can to help Shuttleworth continue to improve and produce good citizens.
Mrs. Kate Cain – Parent Governor
I joined Shuttleworth College as a Parent Governor in 2019 and served a 4-year term before changing to a foundation governor in 2022. I sit in the Resources Committee and support as a governor on the Burnley Education Trust. I have had 2 children attend Shuttleworth College between 2015 & 2023 which has also given me a different perspective of the school.
I have lived locally in the community all my life and have a keen interest in health and education for the children and their families in our community. As a registered nurse, I worked for 25 years in the NHS before moving into a role as a Chief Nursing Information Officer for a local digital healthcare company. I feel I have many transferable skills from my personal and professional life that help to support me in my role as a school governor.
Mr. Peter Greenhalgh – Staff Governor
I am currently the staff governor for the school. I have been a teacher for 22 years, where my specialist subject is History but I also teach PHSE and RE at Shuttleworth College. Prior to becoming a teacher, I was employed in the hotel and catering industry for a number of years as well as being a member of HM Forces after leaving school.
In my previous school, I was the staff governor for three years. In this time, I supported the Principal in providing the non-school governors, inspectors, and other interested partners with the staff perspective of the initiatives undertaken by the Senior Leadership Team in running the school. In essence, I believe my role is to provide an alternative and supporting viewpoint on the way the school is run to the rest of the governing body.
Mrs Lyndsey Byrne
I am pleased to have joined Shuttleworth College’s governing board in 2022. I am passionate about personal development and I believe that every child has the potential to be who and what they want to be. I want to support the College to inspire all children to be the best they possibly can be.
I work in Human Resources, specialising in organisational development. I am hoping that my experiences in thought leadership, learning and development and organisational design can support the College’s success.
Mr. Rohan Norman
I’m originally from Camberley in Surrey and have lived in Rochdale since 2015. I’m an IT Manager for a Global IT Consultancy and a technology enthusiast. I have 2 children who will be starting their school journeys in the coming years.
I joined the College Governing Board in 2023 as a Foundation Governor and a member of the Curriculum and Standards Committee. I’m looking forward to supporting the College and its students promoting its mission, motto and values that will help all Students and staff realise their full potential.