At Shuttleworth College we believe that every child has the ability to ‘think big, chase dreams and succeed together’, which is why we offer all children a broad and balanced academic curriculum that favours traditional subject disciplines.

Our model is set up to ensure that students gain the knowledge and skills that they need to succeed in qualifications that are both suited to their needs and interests but which will also enable them to move seamlessly into their next phase of education.  All further educational colleges and alternative providers are keen to attract students who have strong skills in the core subjects of English, maths and science and you will see that we devote a significant proportion of our curriculum time to these subjects to ensure student success in these areas.

In Year 9, students choose subject pathways that they will follow for the remainder of their time in school, and we work closely with parents to select the right pathway for each student.  The vast majority of students are expected to continue to follow an academic pathway that leads to a minimum of eight GCSE qualifications that colleges and further education providers will recognise and favour when allocating places for post 16 study.  We also provide more bespoke pathways for students with additional needs where we feel that this would be beneficial.

As well as following the core curriculum offer, students can take part in a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and courses at lunch times and after school.  One of our most popular extra-curricular opportunities is to take part in the yearly musical!

Of course, education is not just about passing tests and we work hard to ensure a balance of academic excellence with the wider knowledge and understanding that children need to navigate their way through life safety and successfully.  PSCHE is delivered through dedicated lessons at KS3, and at KS4 through form time and drop down days that cover topics of importance to all young people.  We also provide students with regular opportunities to consider what opportunities exist for them in the world of work; this culminates with ‘ASPIRE’ – a week of work-orientated experiences that all students in Year 10 greatly benefit from.

Our curriculum is designed to be accessible by students of all abilities including those with disabilities and/or special educational needs in accordance with the school’s Equalities Policy and any other associated policies.  Where students may struggle to access the curriculum as a result of significant health or educational needs we will assess what adjustments are necessary to ensure that they are able to access their entitlement to a full, balanced curriculum and will make any provisions necessary to accommodate their needs.

I hope this has given you a sense of what we strive to offer to students here at Shuttleworth.  If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Lisa Harrison
Deputy Headteacher
01282 682300

Curriculum Model 2024-25
Curriculum Model 2024-25

KS3 Setting Structure
KS3 Setting Structure

“Our model is set up to ensure that students gain the knowledge and skills that they need to succeed.”

Lisa Harrison, Associate Deputy Headteacher