Throughout the year we run a number of educational visits carefully selected to complement the school curriculum, offer wider life experiences and reward students for achievements.
Consent/medical forms are sent to all parents/carers at the beginning of the academic year to allow students to attend all low risk, off-site day visits and extra-curricular activities for the academic year. Copies of forms can be found here.
For residential visits or adventurous activities a further medical and consent form is required and these are sent out at the appropriate time.
How are students selected to attend an educational visit?
This depends on the type of visit; some visits are required by the curriculum and will therefore only be available to certain subject classes. Others are based on student interest and open to everyone and some may be to reward good attendance or behaviour.
What if I can’t afford to send my child on a school trip?
We do everything we can to ensure all students have equal opportunities; if financing a trip is an issue for you please speak to your child’s pastoral head of year or refer to the Charging & Remissions policy for more information.