As virtual parents evening are new to us we thought it important to establish some ground rules so that all participants are following the same protocol which should ensure everyone’s wellbeing.
- Conversations should take place in appropriate rooms eg kitchen, lounge, study and not in a bedroom
- All participants should be appropriately dressed as they would be for a real life face to face meeting
- No conversations should be recorded
- If there is anybody else joining the meeting, either remotely (through computer or phone), or off screen, please flag this up to the teacher as a matter of courtesy at the start of the conversation
- Both teachers and parents have the choice of using audio or video
- As in real life, your child is welcome to attend
- Please try to be on time as the slot times are not flexible at all and will start/finish exactly on time
- We believe in the importance of positive, constructive relationships between staff and parents. Therefore please note that in the extremely unlikely event of verbal abuse, staff will end the conversation and refer the matter to the Senior Leadership Team.